Social Media for Businesses

Stepping Up Recognition: 5 Employee Spotlight Examples for Social Media

man talking to employee

Are you looking for effective ways to recognize your hardworking employees?

Regular employee recognition can cultivate an empowered and motivated working environment.

What’s more, managers and business owners don’t have to give their employees cash bonuses to recognize them effectively.

One of the most prized forms of recognition is public acknowledgment of some kind. This is especially impactful if delivered by a CEO or supervisor.

You can spotlight stellar employees in this way on social media. Check out these employee spotlight examples for inspiration!

1. Employee of the Month Shout-Out

Do you have an Employee of the Month program already in place? If so, take it up a notch by recognizing Employees of the Month on social media.

(If you don’t already have a program like this, now is the time to get started!)

Instagram is best for this, as it is media-based. You can easily upload an employee headshot or brief video to showcase an Employee of the Month selection.

Here’s an example of how you might craft an Insta-Shout-Out for your monthly achiever.

Choose an approved photo or video clip of the employee you’ve chosen. When uploading to your Instagram feed, craft a caption along the following lines:

“Meet Rachel, Company X’s cherished Head of Sales. In one month alone, Rachel dedicated her time to helping over 500 clients find success with our product. We are honored to have Rachel on staff and grateful for her ability to give Californians the quality service they deserve!”

Don’t forget hashtags, either, if you use Instagram. #employeerecognition is always a great addition!

2. The Video Showcase

Sometimes photos feel inadequate for recognizing awesome employees. Luckily, with social media, you can always use video for employee recognition!

(Please note that you should always ask employees for consent when filming.)

For a video showcase, capture footage of your employees in action, whether communicating professionally with a customer, performing great work on a job site, or delivering a solid presentation.

This can be particularly valuable when shared internally, as it can set a good example for other employees.

You may also want to post brief footage of award ceremonies, if applicable, or the presenting of certificates or trophies to employees.

Looking for a memorable token to give to exceptional workers? Check out ChallengeCoins4Less.

3. The Review Highlight

Did one of your employees earn a specific mention in a customer or client review? Now is the time to recognize that!

You can highlight public reviews of employee performance easily, with the added benefit of promoting your standards (and your staff) to customers.

Share reviews posted on Yelp, Google, Angie’s List, and elsewhere to Facebook, giving clear mention to the employee cited.

4. The Short Employee Interview

Do you operate a huge company with lots of employees? If so, it’s likely most of your employees don’t know all of their colleagues.

With social media, you can simultaneously recognize exceptional employees and create camaraderie in your company.

Enter the employee interview. Use video to capture brief interviews with employees you wish to recognize, preferably those from different departments.

In these interviews, ask short, informative questions, such as, “What are you most proud of?” or “What’s the best part about working on our team?”

Don’t forget to highlight the employee’s specific achievement, too!

Post these interviews on an Instagram story or Facebook feed.

5. New Hire Enthusiasm

If you just onboarded a new employee, give them some social media love. Recognize additions to your staff with a quick, enthusiastic blurb on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

Here’s an example of some content you could create for a post like this:

“We’re so excited to welcome Charles to the XYZ family. With over ten years in consulting experience, Charles already champions the values we have here at XYZ. Welcome aboard, Charles, and we can’t wait to see what you’ll do here!”

Tips for Using Social Media for Spotlighting

It is important to follow appropriate etiquette when using social media to showcase your employees’ achievements.

Keep these tips in mind as you move forward with your employee recognition program!

1. Only Use the Company Profile

It’s important to distinguish between personal and professional accounts. When spotlighting employees on social media, be sure to do so only using the company’s profile or handle.

This is especially vital if you choose to share your content publicly, not just internally amongst colleagues.

When posting content on the company profile, use professional language at all times. Make sure you aren’t posting anything sensitive or compromising.

2. Share Internally First

It’s always wise to share social media spotlights internally, before going public.

This may be as simple as giving a shout-out to an employee on Slack, a digital communications platform many workplaces use. These conversations are private to chosen participants.

This can also ensure that any public content is consensual (see tip #4 below).

3. Establish Your Standards

Your employees should know what your standards are for appreciation. In other words, make sure you recognize employees for very specific things.

General appreciation is less likely to make an impact. It can also make it difficult to set expectations for workplace performance down the road.

Being specific about your standards when spotlighting can help you make the most of your employee recognition strategy.

After all, these programs aren’t just for the appreciated–they are also designed to motivate other employees to step up their game.

4. Ask for Consent

Some employees may not want to be publicly recognized. Others may not feel comfortable having their photos or video content shared on social media.

For this reason, make sure you always get your employees’ consent before you spotlight in any fashion on any digital platform.

If an employee does not feel comfortable with this spotlighting, respect his or her opinion!

5. Choose Your Platform Wisely

Some social media platforms are better suited to employee recognition than others. Instagram, for example, may be best for Employee of the Month shout-outs, because this enables easy posting of employee headshots.

Facebook, however, may be the best platform for performance reviews, as posts don’t have to be image-based.

Twitter is suited for short recognition blurbs, rather than lengthy portraits.

Employee Spotlight Examples

Social media is a fabulous tool for improving company morale and retaining hardworking employees.

Use any social media platform to recognize the amazing performance of your workers, and keep these employee spotlight examples in mind when you do so.

Just make sure that you ask consent before posting anything about your employees online!

In search of more social media tips and tricks? Learn more about how you can use social media to recruit new employees here!

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