Best Wishes

4 Inspiring and Motivational Tweets For Those Struggling with Addiction

person with outstretched arms on mountain

A lot is said about the negative impacts of social media, these days. But less is said about it as a potential source of uplift and positive influence. Without further ado, here are some of the best motivational tweets are as follows. 

A lot is said about the negative impacts of social media, these days. But less is said about it as a potential source of uplift and positive influence.

If used properly, Twitter can be a surprising source of such positivity. Somewhere within the platform’s 336 million users, people are offering incredibly motivational thoughts, tidbits, and advice.

These tweets and short anecdotes can prove to be very helpful to those struggling with addiction. Thoughts from others out there can help one feel less alone in their problems. They can be life-affirming and well worth reading.

Without further ado, some of the best motivational tweets are as follows.

1. @Paulocoelho Says…

“Some blessings break all windows and glasses when they arrive.”

Paulo Coelho is a Brazilian writer, both a novelist and a poet. In just a few words, Coelho expresses how some of greatest blessings can seem violent and surprising at first.

For any of us who had to hit rock bottom to begin turning our lives around, it’s a reminder that even our worst moments can be true blessings in disguise.

2. @InspireMeToday Says…

“There’s still enough time for you to do your greatest work and live your biggest dream.”

This entire Twitter account is focused on sharing helpful and inspiring thoughts, but this is one of their best. Many victims of addiction struggle with the idea that they’ve wasted away years of time. Some feel that it may be too late to get started on a new life.

This quote reminds us that this is simply not true. With a little work, addiction survivors can have long and fulfilling lives still ahead of them.

3. @DrWayneWDyer Says…

“Know the universe is always willing to work with you on your behalf; and that you are always in a friendly, rather than hostile world.”

In our darkest times, we can feel terribly alone. We can feel less than cared for, looked down on, or tossed aside. Dr. Dyer’s quote is a reminder that this is an illusion created by our brains, and that we are never truly alone.

There are always helpers. This can be a great reminder to look into addiction treatment centers and other such help services. You can learn more here.

4. @Soniachoquette Says…

“What are you going to create today?”

This author and acclaimed spiritual teacher offers an essential question for all of us. It applies no matter the specifics of our struggles. The act of creation is the gift of life.

We all have the capacity to create something by the end of a day that did not exist prior.

Such an act of creation is fulfilling to the mind, body, and soul. This tweet is a prompt that reminds us to get off the couch and get doing. Life is for living, and the act of simply creating can be rejuvenating like nothing else.

The Best Motivational Tweets

These are just a few of our favorite motivational tweets out there. But there are plenty more. Positive influence and mental uplift are everywhere if you choose to look for them.

Need more helpful and inspiring quotes for any situation? Check out our blog for more.

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