Social Media for Businesses

The Essential Elements of an Effective Product Detail Page

Product Detail Page

Have you noticed lately that your eCommerce website is getting a lot of clicks but not a ton of sales? There could be a variety of reasons why your conversion rates are low. Your website may not be user-friendly and is hard to navigate, but it often leads back to your product pages.

One of the keys to running a successful eCommerce website is having an effective product detail page for every item that you’re selling. Product pages are so much more than putting up a few images and a basic description. Every element of the product page needs to work together to tell the story of the item and ultimately convert clicks into sales.

In this guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know for creating high-converting product pages.

Product Detail Page Basics

On an eCommerce site, a product detail page is a web page that gives a description of a particular product. Information can include:

  • Color
  • Size
  • Price
  • Reviews
  • Shipping information
  • High-quality images

Product detail pages are the foundation of any type of eCommerce website. Think about when you search for an item on Amazon. When you first type what you’re looking for into the search bar, a list of relevant items is displayed for you to choose from.

Then, you click on the item that you want to find out more about. On the new page, you can read information about the product. Everything a customer needs to know about a product is on that web page – the product detail page.

The Importance of a Well-Design Product Page

Your product page is essential to your overall marketing strategy because it’s the final step a customer sees before they click “add to cart.” If they don’t get all the information they need about the product on that page, they’re less likely to purchase. If the page is lacking information or looks incomplete, they’re less likely to purchase.

You also want the details and specs about the product to reflect what the customer will actually receive. The last thing you want is customer complaints, returns, or bad reviews because the product they received didn’t match the product page.

General Components of a Product Detail Page

There are certain components you need on your product page and they need to be placed in a particular way to encourage customer engagement. There are additional things you can do to increase your conversion rate in addition to making sure these core elements are present.


The menu on your product page will give your customers quick links to various areas of your eCommerce site. This can include:

  • Shopping cart
  • Hompage
  • Other product categories

Having a clear menu will help your customers navigate from your product pages to other areas of your website.


The breadcrumb shows the path your customer took to get to the product page they’re on now. An example would be: Home > Clothing > Women’s > Blouses. They’re able to click back into different categories.

Product Title

The product title should be the biggest text on your page and the easiest to find. It should be specific but not overly complicated.

Product Description

Product descriptions should be short, sweet, and to the point. It should accurately describe the benefits and features of the products. Good copywriting skills come in handy in this section of the product page.

Using eCommerce SEO is a great way to implement certain keywords that your target audience searches for. Using targeted keywords will increase your ranking on search engines, resulting in more organic traffic to your site. Use those keywords in your product descriptions, keeping the language short and utilizing bullet points when you can.

You’ll also want to consider what a customer would want to know before they purchase a product. You should highlight important information and anything unique about your product.

Consider these questions when drafting your copy:

  • What is the item used for?
  • Who is it for?
  • What sets the product apart?
  • Why will my customer love it?

Keeping these questions in mind will help you draft quality product descriptions that give your customers the details they want to know.

High-Resolution Images

The images you include on your product pages should be high-resolution and high-quality. They should showcase the product from multiple angles so the customer can see what the product looks like from all sides. You should include between five to eight images on each product description web page.

Another way to implement SEO onto your product pages is with the alt text description. They provide a brief description of your images that is read out to those who are visually impaired. Search engine algorithms also crawl alt image text descriptions, so include your keywords there as well.


This may be straightforward but featuring the price of your product in a prominent position is essential to a quality product page. This is also an opportunity to show if the product is on sale or if you’re running any other promotions.

Place the price close to the “add to cart” or “buy” button. This helps with your page’s natural flow. It also encourages customers to add the item to their cart once they see the price.


The call-to-action is where you tell your customers to “buy” or “add to cart.” It’s a short demand that gets your customers to perform a certain action. Usually, that action is adding the product to their shopping cart.

The call-to-action should be in an obvious spot on your product page. It’s typically placed above the fold, by your product description and images.

Design High-Converting Product Pages

A product detail page is the lifeblood of your eCommerce website. Without properly crafted web pages, customers won’t purchase your products. You need to anticipate their needs and give them all the information they’d want without overwhelming them.

Check out one of our other articles to find out more information on how to run a successful eCommerce website.

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