Social Media for Businesses

How to Find Good Employees Fast and Reliably

Good Employees

Around 76% of hiring employees say attracting quality candidates is their biggest challenge.

Employers want a team filled with top talent, go-getters, and those who add value to the organization. Perhaps you’re struggling to find good employees quickly and you’re looking for inspiration.

Sounds familiar? Luckily, you’ve come to the right place. Here is how to find the perfect candidate for your business.  

Have Realistic Expectations

Many employers prolong their search because they’re waiting for the “perfect candidate” to appear. Instead, organizations should target prospects who show dedication and potential to become fantastic employees. 

To help you, create a “must-have” and “like-to-have” list so you can compartmentalize the applicant’s qualities and find the best candidate for the role.  

Know Where to Advertise

A fantastic way to source new employees is knowing where to advertise.

If you have a budget, use free job boards like Glassdoor to spread the word. You may not get the immediate influx of top-tier candidates, so keep tweaking the description, experimenting with different job sites, and explain why your company is the perfect place to flourish. 

Write a Detailed Job Description

The best way to find employees is by crafting the ultimate job description. Avoid romanticizing the role and be honest about the responsibilities and requirements so you find the perfect fit. 

You should also state whether the position is fully remote or if employees are expected to attend meetings in the office. This will help candidates decide whether the role fits in with their lifestyle. Further, mention any technology requirements such as having a deep knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite or access to high-speed internet.  

Optimize Job Listings

Employers mustn’t forget to optimize the job description so it appears on searches. Further, a well-optimized listing gives you a better chance of landing the top talent so be thorough. 

Sprinkle relevant keywords into the copy, include your organization’s location, and optimize any images you’ve posted. 

Develop Your Company’s Online Presence 

The best employer has a strong online presence whether it’s a cutting-edge website to an engaging social media page. Plus, candidates will check these to learn more about your company so make sure it’s informative and easy to navigate. 

Also, complete your profile on the best job sites for employers and consider customer feedback on Google and Yelp. This will give candidates an idea of your organization’s ethos and how well you treat clients.

Use Social Media 

You should also share your current job openings on social media especially on job-related groups in your field. And harness the power of hashtags to reach relevant candidates. For instance, if you’re looking for a graphic designer in New York then use #graphicdesignerjobs #newyorkjobs to further your reach. 

Later in your search, use social media to screen employees. This is so you can verify that the candidate isn’t writing discriminatory comments about other people or their former employer. 

You can check if they’ve lied about their employment history or posted confidential information about their past employer. If you want to learn how screening candidates on social media can improve your search, then view here for more.  

Ask Current Employees to Spread the Word

Nearly 70% of professionals get hired at a company where they know someone. So to help you search for employees, ask your team whether they can recommend anyone.

Ask team members to post the job listing on their social media pages to further your reach. It’s also a good idea to incentivize the process by offering a reward to the employee who brings in a recruit. It’s a win-win!

Contact Local Colleges and Universities

Tap into the newest talent by contacting local colleges or universities. These institutions offer career services to help students land jobs once they’ve graduated so take advantage of this.

Start by creating a list of colleges an hour away from your organization and ask the career center how to get your listing added to their system. You should also ask when the institution has a career fair so you can meet and screen a range of prospects at once.  

Hand Out Flyers

Hang posters and hang out flyers to raise awareness of your job listing. Ask a local cafe or library to post it on their bulletin board to tap into a new audience. Plus, we’re all bombarded with ads on social media so this is a fresh way to stand out amongst the crowd.

Offer a Good Salary

Around 74% of job seekers expect to see the salary stated in the listing so make sure you add it.

Many smaller organizations don’t include this because they’re worried they can’t compete against larger enterprises. But candidates want to know they’re not wasting their time. 

Further, many job seekers won’t leave their current position if they’re not promised a higher salary. It also proves that your organization is transparent which is an important quality to have. 

But if you’re unsure of the exact amount, add a salary range to the job listing so applicants get a rough idea. 

That’s How to Find Good Employees

Hopefully, after reading this article, you now know how to find good employees for your organization. 

Advertise on a range of job listing sites, ask the team to spread the word, and craft a detailed job description. You should also include the salary, contact local colleges, and develop your online presence to further your reach. Good luck! 

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