Social Media for Businesses

5 Smart and Creative Ways to Advertise Your Product Using Social Media

social media letters and mobile phone with facebook

Were you aware at just how important social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are to marketing your products? They can be used to reach an entire audience that you may have not gotten to otherwise.

It’s not hard to set up social media, and once you do, you can start running contests, pushing out deals, advertising, and cross-promoting with other products and services.  We know, it sounds easier said than done but it’s possible if you keep your content flowing.

Here are 5 of the most creative ways to advertise your product on social media and start bringing in the sales.

1. Run Contests

A little friendly competition never hurt anyone, in fact, people are known to have a lot of fun with it. Running a contest for your product is a great way to advertise it without actually pushing it.

Keep the contest fun and simple, for example asking people to like your page and share the post where you mention the product. This will also get it out there to more people.

One way to make your brand stick out in their mind is to make custom stickers and put them in the box when you ship out the product to the winner.

2. Run Deals and Promotions

People enjoy saving money, so if you run deals and promotions on your page, your followers will watch it like a hawk so they don’t miss out.

Also, if you make the deal exclusively online, on social media it will make them feel special. Like they are getting something that nobody else is.

3. Advertise the Product

This sounds like a no-brainer, but you want to actually advertise your product. You’ll get a small following by creating your page but you need to take this one step further.

If you invest in social media ads on Facebook and Twitter you’ll reach a much wider audience.

4. Post Visual Content

You want to post content and post it often, but at least some of it should be visual. You’ll catch the attention of more people if you use both videos and text then if you just use text.

People sort of space out when they are just reading walls of text so a sudden video or image can break up the monotony.

5. Use Cross Promotion

If you’re promoting a service or a product, chances are that you’re going to have more than one social media. Cross-promoting is your special way of reminding your potential customers of that.

For example, using your Twitter to tell everyone that you also have a Snapchat with a simple Tweet.

Creative Ways to Advertise Using Social Media

Promoting a product takes a lot of effort, and social media can minimize it a little bit. By having a social media account you can, host contests, do special promotions and post videos and pictures of your product. Use these tips on creative ways to advertise to get out there and start making money.

Social media can be difficult to navigate. There are so many dos and don’ts. Visit our social media tips and tricks section for advice.

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