Today We Are Sharing With You The Best Wishes and Status For Eid Ul Adha . This EID is 2nd Eid for the Muslims living around the world. This is eid is the occasion when followers of Islam celebrate it by sacrificing there Halal Animals to Allah as submission. Eid ul Adha is on 10th of hajj after Holy time of HAJJ. So as a Muslim every one celebrate this Eid with great religious feelings and share relevant status and quotes on their facebook wall or whatsapp.

100+ Eid ul Adha Status Excellent Eid ul Adha Wishes 2016
Eid is one of the biggest events for Muslims. They celebrate two Eid’s in a year Eid UL Fiter & Eid UL Azha. Now Eid UL Fiter is coming and Muslims are very excited for this. Now people mostly wish to their friends and family members through facebook because facebook is became world best social networking website. If your dear ones are far from you then facebook is best channel to wish them. If you would like to get Eid facebook status wishes then here we are giving you best collection of Eid facebook status wishes which are unique and latest.
100+ Eid ul Adha Status | Excellent Eid ul Adha Wishes 2017 (Updated)
On the canvas of life, we often go off color,
but as long as people like you are there
to add the right shades,
life goes on to be a rainbow!
eid mubara
All that is in the heavens All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifieth Allah; and He is the Mighty, the Wise. The Holy Quran Eid Mubarak to You.
May on this EID
The Plate of your life is filled
With juicy Kababs & Tikkas topped
With Chatni of Happiness and
Covered with Salad of Love.
May Allah accept our fast and continues to shower
His blessings throughout the year in fact throughout life,
Ameen! Wish you all a very Happy Eid Mubarak!!!! .
May u have joyous eid celebration May Allah bless you… and may you have a joyous Eid celebration
May the auspicious occasion of eid May the auspicious occasion of Eid , bless you with peace and bring joy to your heart and home. EID Mubarak
After few days EID UL ADHA (AZHA) will come,
I m the 1st 1 to wish you EID Mubarak
I wish you ALL a very happy and peaceful Eid. I wish you ALL a very happy and peaceful Eid. May Allah accept your good deeds, forgive your transgressions and ease the suffering of all peoples around the globe. Eid Mubarak
Do you know the Meaning of EID???
I think it means “ENJOY in DUNIYA!!”
So, in your life all moments bring EID for you….
Hope Love and Laugher,
warmth, wishes, joy and
a bouquet of Eid wishes, jubilations,
become a part of your Eid and Your Life.
Have a Happy Eid Mubarak.
Wish you a Happy Eid and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life!
Wishing you all a very happy eid, And hoping that all the things you wish For will be yours through out the year.
As Allah waters HIS Creation,
May HE also sprinkle HIS wonderous
blessings over you and your beloved ones.
Eid days are meant to celebrate the goals and the achievements that make you happiest. The ideals you beleive in, the dream you love the best. Eid Mubarak!
No shadows to depress you. Only joys to surround you. Allah himself to bless you. These are my wishes for you. Today tomorrow and every day… Eid Mubarak!
Eid ul adha is eid of sacrifice,
and commitment to Allahs orders,
May Allah bless us with the same in all circles of life,
and help all amongst us,
who are helpless,worried,
and waiting for his rehmat,
.Eid Mubarak.
Let all your obstacles vanish in just a friction of second. Happy Eid
“Eid-ul-Azha Mubarak”,
May Allah shower
countless blessing
upon You and Your Family.
Keep me in your prayers.
I wish you ALL a very happy and peaceful Eid. I wish you ALL a very happy and peaceful Eid. May Allah accept your good deeds, forgive your transgressions and ease the suffering of all peoples around the globe. Eid Mubarak
Eid-ul-Azha Mubarak “Eid-ul-Azha Mubarak”, May Allah shower countless blessing upon You and Your Family. Keep me in your prayers.
What could be better than using these platforms for Wishing Eid Mubarak to all those people who are directly or indirectly connected with you? Now you can very easily find and save Eid Mubarak Status and can easily upload them for wishing Eid Mubarak
All the loving wishes for you today to bring much happiness your way. Eid Greetings
Hope that you are guided by your faith in the almighty and shine in His divine blessings. Wishing you a happy Bakra Eid.
Eid Mubarak to all Muslims around the world and may the blessings of Allah be with you today, tomorrow, and always.
Eid Mubarak to all Muslims around the world and may the blessings of Allah be with you today, tomorrow, and always.
May your plate of life is always full Of sweet Seviyan, topped with the nuts of happiness!
A very happy Eid – al – Adha to you!
You are special, you are unique may your Eid be also as special and unique as you are..
Receive my simple gift of “EID MUBARAK” wrapped with sincerity, tied with care and sealed with a prayer to keep u safe and happy all day long! Take Care!
Eid ul adha is eid of sacrifice,
and commitment to Allahs orders,
May Allah bless us with the same in all circles of life,
and help all amongst us,
who are helpless,worried,
and waiting for his rehmat,
.Eid Mubarak.
Look Outside
Its so pleasant!
Sun Smiling For you
Trees Dancing for you
Birds singing for you
Because I requested them All to wish You
**..*EID MUBARAK*..**
Eid Ul Azha Mubarik Bakra debit Cash credit Qurbani debit Gosht Credit Qasai Debit Khaal Credit Aap Debit Hum Credit Eid Mubarik… Hamara Msg Debit Apka Reply Credit [[ Eid Ul Azha Mubarik ]]
Bakra Eid Mubarak Bakra Eid Mubarak May ur plate of life be always full of juicy kebabs & tikkas, topped with the chutney of happiness. With best wishes:-):-):-
May beautiful flowers keep you in smiling frame of happiness on Eid Day
Wish You A Great Smile, Laugh, And Successes For You On This Day Of Eid. Have A Wonderful Eid Day. Eid Mubarak
E-Embrace with open heart I-Inculcate good deeds D-Distribute & share Allah’s bounties with the underprivileged Eid Mubarak!
Bakkra Eid mubarak. May your plate of the life be alwayz full of the juicy kababs and tikkas, toppd wid d chutni of the happiness. Wid best wishes.
1.. ) Eid days are meant to celebrate the goals and the achievements that make you happiest. The ideals you beleive in, the dream you love the best. Eid Mubarak!
2.. ) Eid is a precious gift from God after Ramadan.
3.. ) Suraj ne bheji hai roshani kiranon me Phoolon ne bheji hai mahak hawaon me Aap Eid ke chaand se jagmagaate rahen De asar itna khuda hamaari duaaon me EID MUBARAK!
4.. ) A warm and heartfelt wishes to
5.. ) My well wishes, my good wishes for you are the just prayers for your long happy life from God on this noble event. Wish you a very Happy Eid Mubarak My Dear.
6.. ) May God bless you with the abundance of new friends, and all other blessings. Eid Mubarak
7.. ) tell you how much you mean to me.
8.. ) No shadows to depress you. Only joys to surround you. Allah himself to bless you. These are my wishes for you. Today tomorrow and every day… Eid Mubarak!
9.. ) Wishing you all a very happy eid, And hoping that all the things you wish For will be yours through out the year.
10.. ) A wish you a life full for the smiles & happiness. Happy EId Mubarak!!
11.. ) Eid Day brought.Blessings of God.In the form of.Spiritual happiness.To you and your family.And.For your Friends..Eid Mubarik…!!.
12.. ) Have a joyous Eid
13.. ) Eid is a precious gift from God after Ramadan.
14.. ) May the blessings of Allah fill your life with happiness and open all the doors of success now and always. Eid Mubarak
15.. ) Wish you and your family the blessings of Allah, kindness of Allah and help of Allah on this day of Eid. Eid Mubarak
16.. ) Hope that you are guided by your faith in the almighty and shine in His divine blessings. Wishing you a happy Bakra Eid.
17.. ) Eid Mubarak to all Muslims around the world and may the blessings of Allah be with you today, tomorrow, and always.
18.. ) The moon has been sighted the samoosas are ready here comes EID so just go steady lots of dua’s is all I request and just wanted to wish you all the best. Eid Mubarak!
19.. ) May Allah bring you joy, happiness, peace and prosperity on this blessed occasion. Wishing you and your family on this happy occasion of Eid! Eid Mubarak!
20.. ) E-Embrace with open heart I-Inculcate good deeds D-Distribute & share Allah’s bounties with the underprivileged Eid Mubarak!
21.. ) On Eid ul-Fitr, wish that Allah’s blessings light up the path and lead to happiness, Peace and success. Happy Eid
22.. ) Wish you a Happy Eid and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life!
23.. ) Let all your obstacles vanish in just a friction of second. Happy Eid
24.. ) Let all your obstacles vanish in just a friction for the second. Happy Eid
25.. ) Some words can be left unsaid, some feeling can be left unexpressed, but person like you can never be forgotten on this day. EID MUBARAK!
26.. ) I wish you a life full of smiles and happiness. Happy EId Mubarak!!
27.. ) Heartfelt wishes on “the Festival of Sacrifice”! Happy Eid ul-Adha!
28.. ) I wish a wish for you. The wish I wish for few. The wish I wish for you is that your all wishes come true
29.. ) May Allah flood your life with happiness on this occasion, your heart with love, you soul with spirtual, your mind with wisdom, wishing you a very Happy Eid Mubarak!
30.. ) May this Eid bring Fun, Happiness, God’s Endless Blessings, and fresh love EID MUBARAK to You with all best wishes.

100+ Eid ul Adha Status Excellent Eid ul Adha Wishes 2016
31.. ) May the Blessing of ALLAH Fill your life with happiness and open all doors of success now and always.EID MUBARAK
32.. ) Happiness(EID) is never perfect, until shared with someone so share your happiness with your near ones.
33.. ) May the blessing of Allah shine on your always!!! Happy Eid!!!
34.. ) May you never see the warmth of hardships and there would be always happiness in your home and you see many more happy moments like this Eid Day. Eid Mubarak
35.. ) Aasmaan me chaand chadh aaya hai Sitaron ne bhi aanchal lehraaya hai Aa gaa len hum khushi ke geet Dost mere Mubarak ho tumhein ye Eid Eid Mubarak!
36.. ) Bakkra Eid mubarak. May your plate of the life be alwayz full of the juicy kababs and tikkas, toppd wid d chutni of the happiness. Wid best wishes.
37.. ) May the blessings of God upon you throughout the life with happiness & open all the doors of success & happiness for you.
38.. ) the dream you love the best. Eid Mubarak..
39.. ) Whenever Eid comes, it brings a lot of happiness and memories with it. I wish these memories be the more precious ones for you. Happy Eid Day
40.. ) Let all your obstacles vanish in just a friction for the second.
41.. ) May this year Eid gives, you all the happiness and joy of this world and hope that the blessing of the AL-Mighty be with you. EID MUBARAK!
42.. ) As you pray to Allah and offer your sacrifices; In the true Spirit of Eid-ul-Adha – Here’s hoping that all your wishes are fulfilled and prayers are answered! Happy Bakr Eid!
43.. ) with full of sparkling lights…
44.. ) With all the roses perfume And with all the lights in the world, And with all the childrenTs smiles. I wish you a very happy eid!
45.. ) May the auspicious occasion of Eid bless you with peace and bring joy to your heart and home. EID Mubarak.
46.. ) Like the colour of silver in the night sky, the new moon rises, the holy month has past, the fasting is over, tomorrow is the great feast of Eid-ul-Azha. EID MUBARAK!
47.. ) Receive my simple gift of “EID MUBARAK” wrapped with sincerity, tied with care and sealed with a prayer to keep u safe and happy all day long! Take Care!
48.. ) May on this EID the plate of your life is filled with juicy Kababs & Tikkas topped with Chatni of happiness and covered with Salad of love!
49.. ) Hope Love & Laughter, warmth & wishes joy and a bouquet of Eid wishes, especially for you! jublications become a part of your eid and your life. EID MUBARAK!
50.. ) Eid Mubarak….
51.. ) The moon has been sighted The samoosas are ready Here comes EID so just go steady Lots of duas is all i request and just wanted to wish you all the BEST!!!“Eid Mubarak”
52.. ) Eid! give the happiness to those who avoid me,give pleasure to those who tease me,give peace to those who give me unease,O Eid! Be a splendid gift to all.
53.. ) EID MUBARAK ho Aapko, Dher sari tarif aur khusiya mile aapko, But, Jab EIDI mile aapko to Please Aap Yaad karna Sirf Humko.
54.. ) May Allah bless you & Your dear ones for happy & prosperous life on Eid UL Azha & always.
55.. ) With all the roses perfume And with all the lights in the world, And with all the childrenTs smiles. I wish you a very happy eid!
56.. ) There is special day for everyone My special day is when i wish you Eid Mubarak
57.. ) May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness.
58.. ) I wish you ALL a very happy and peaceful Eid. May Allah accept your good deeds, forgive your transgressions and ease the suffering of all peoples around the globe. Eid Mubarak.
59.. ) May all the joys of life be showered on you. Wish you a very happy eid mubarak to you and your family.
60.. ) Here is hoping that,this EID is happiest and best.

100+ Eid ul Adha Status Excellent Eid ul Adha Wishes 2016
61.. ) May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness.
62.. ) May Allah accept your good deeds, forgive your transgressions and Sins and ease the suffering of all peoples around the globe.
63.. ) Eid days are meant to celebrate, the goals and the achievements,
64.. ) May His love fill your heart with Joy and peace this Eid and each day of the year to come.
65.. ) May God give you happiness of heaven above. Happy Eid Mubarak To You All.
66.. ) Eid ul adha is eid of sacrifice and commitment To ALLAH orders, May ALLAH bless us with the same in All circles of life, And help all amongst us, Who are helpless, worried, and waiting for his rehmat, !! Happy Bakra Eid Mubarak
67.. ) May the noor of this EID illuminate your heart, mind, soul and may all your prays be answered. Remember me in your prayers. EID MUBARAK!
68.. ) May everything in your life sparkle with a radiance that comes only from happiness.
69.. ) Wishing you a successful life with contentment and peace. Eid Mubarak
70.. ) I wish you a life full of smiles and happiness.
71.. ) Let all your obstacles vanish in just a friction of second. Happy Eid!!!!!
72.. ) Accept my deep heart prayers for you successful life on this day of Eid. Wish you a Happy Eid.
73.. ) May Allah bless you on this auspicious day of Eid, and May it be a new beginning of greater prosperity, success and happiness.
74.. ) Hope that you are guided by your faith in the almighty and shine in His divine blessings. Wishing you a happy Eid-ul-Adha!
75.. ) Happy Eid Mubarak To You And Your Family. Love You All.
76.. ) Everyone sent u Tradition words about Eid but i m the fist one To send u “Meat Mubarak” And Keep on eating Different dishes On this season Happy Bakra Eid Mubarak.
77.. ) Some words can be left unsaid, Some feeling can be left unexpressed, But a person like you can never be forgotten on this day Eid Mubarak !!!
78.. ) Eid Spreads the message of Brotherhood and Togetherness. May Allah bless you and bring happiness in Life. Eid wishes to you and your Family!
79.. ) Of all the days to celebrate this out shines the rest,
80.. ) On Eid ul-Fitr, wish a joyous celebration and showers of Allah’s blessings. EidMubarak.
81.. ) Before the Golden Sun Rise, let me decorate each of the Rays with Wishes of Success, prosperous and Happiness For You and Your Family. …Happy Eid 2014…
82.. ) Wishing A Very Happy Eid Mubarak To You And All The Muslim Brothers Around The World Both Here And In Far Flung Places. The Peace And Grace Of Allah Rest Upon Your Shoulders And Bring You A Contended And Very Happy Eid.
83.. ) May Eid be a special day that’s filled with warmth and love, and may it hold the happiness You’re so deserving of!
84.. ) Eid! give the happiness to those who avoid me,give pleasure to those who tease me,give peace to those who give me unease,O Eid! Be a splendid gift to all.
85.. ) Sending warm wishes across the miles, just to let you know how much you are missed on EID day…
86.. ) As you pray to Allah and offer your sacrifices in the true spirit of Eid-ul Adha – here’s hoping that all your wishes are fulfilled and prayers are answered.
87.. ) Is se pehle k EID ki Shaam ho jaye, Mera SMS Auron ki tarha Aam ho jaye Sare Mob network Jaam ho jayen Aur EID wish kerna Aam ho jaye.. Advance EID Mubarak…
88.. ) You are special, you are unique may your Eid be also as special and unique as you are..
89.. ) May Allah bless you and Your dear ones for happy and prosperous life on Eid Ul Azha and always.
90.. ) Eid ul adha is eid of sacrifice and commitment to Allahs orders. May Allah bless us with the same in all circles of life and help all amongst us. Who are helpless, worried, and waiting for his Rehmat, Ameen. Eid Mubarak!

100+ Eid ul Adha Status Excellent Eid ul Adha Wishes 2016
91.. ) that make you happiest. The ideals you believe in,
92.. ) With petals of roses, palm full of holy water, light of sunshine, fragrance of flowers & grass with the dew I wish a very HAPPY EID TO YOU!
93.. ) May beautiful flowers keep you in smilling frame of happiness on Eid Day! Wish you a very happy Sweet Eid!
94.. ) On Eid ul-Fitr, wish that Allah’s blessings light up the path and lead to happiness, Peace and success. Happy Eid
95.. ) I wish you a very happy and peaceful Eid UL Adha.
96.. ) Wish you a Happy Eid and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life!
97.. ) Whenever Eid comes, it brings a lot of happiness and memories with it. I wish these memories be the more precious ones for you. Happy Eid Day
98.. ) Eid is a precious gift from God after Ramadan.
99.. ) Eid! give the happiness to those who avoid me,give pleasure to those who tease me,give peace to those who give me unease,O Eid! Be a splendid gift to all.
100.. ) Accept my deep heart prayers for you successful life on this day of Eid. Wish you a Happy Eid.
101.. ) Let all your obstacles vanish in just a friction of second. Happy Eid!!!!!
102.. ) May Allah bless you on this auspicious day of Eid, and May it be a new beginning of greater prosperity, success and happiness.
103.. ) Wish you a Happy Eid and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life! EID MUBARAK
104.. ) May Allah bless you & Your dear ones for happy & prosperous life on Eid UL Azha & always.
105.. ) With all the roses perfume And with all the lights in the world, And with all the childrenTs smiles. I wish you a very happy eid!
106.. ) May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness.
107.. ) May the blessings of God upon you throughout the life with happiness & open all the doors of success & happiness for you.
108.. ) Wishing you all a very happy eid, And hoping that all the things you wish For will be yours through out the year.
109.. ) Let all your obstacles vanish in just a friction of second. Happy Eid
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